1031 Exchange Explained: 45 Day Rule Checklist
Looking to invest in real estate and want the 1031 exchange explained? Make sure you understand the 1031 exchange rule with this free 45 day rule checklist! The 1031 exchange rule is a complicated but important process for investors. This checklist will make sure you understand the basics and are able to take advantage of this tax break. ~~~~ Get the 45 Day Checklist here: https://1031prostrategies.com/ ~~~~ When it comes to 1031 exchanges explained, there's one strategy that is most important. And that is don't make the mistake of being stuck between making a bad real estate deal or paying taxes. It's not a good place to be. So in today's video, I'm going to talk to you about one of the most important pieces of the process, which is the 45 day identification period. So when you're doing a 1031 exchange, there are multiple rules that you have to follow. And the main rule that will drive you crazy is the timing rule. The timing rule is the number one reason why investors opt out of 1031 exchanges. Go there. You can put in your name, your email, and then we'll send you back a copy of the checklist so you can download it, open it in Excel and use it. It's free. I'm sharing it with you today. I'm hoping that you can use this to save yourself some stress and anxiety as you go through the 45 day identification period. It was nice talking to you today. My name's Jeremy Cyrier with Mansard. Please subscribe to our channel and turn on the notification bell. And if you have a comment for us below, I'd love to hear from you, any questions you have about the ID period. We do monitor the comment section and we'll reply to your questions there. Look forward to seeing you in the next video. Thanks. ~~~~ Subscribe to MANSARD’s Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGn7... ~~~~ Check Out Our Latest Video: https://www.tubebuddy.com/quicknav/la... ~~~~ Get Your Selling & Capital Gains Tax Guide: https://masscommercialproperties.com/... ~~~~ Want to know how to calculate commercial real estate value? https://masscommercialproperties.com/... ~~~~ Connect with MANSARD on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeremycyr... ~~~~ Follow MANSARD on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mansardcre 00:00 1031 Exchange Explained 01:29 How Professional 1031 Investors Plan 02:21 Start your search before your sale 03:41 The 45 day ID checklist