147 Entitled Single Family Lots Centrally Located in Barstow, CA
147 Entitled Single Family Lots Centrally Located in Barstow, CA Entitled through March of 2025 Vacant Land For Sale $3,250,000 The rough/mass grading plans, WQMP, and SWPP are at 70% for the first 82 lots (Phase 1 &2). The Engineered plans (Street Improvements, water, sewer, walls, fine/precise grading, etc.) are at 70% for the first 21 lots (Phase 1). There is NO offsite undergrounding ordinance for the existing overhead utilities, in addition, there is limited conflict with the proposed development that will require relocation of the OH power/communication lines (2 poles) on future Higgins Rd) There is a small 7-10’ L.M.D. required along the frontage of both roads (Rimrock/Higgins) for a landscape parkway. The soils report is completed with no “red flags”. The soil is clean, clear, and requires the typical over-ex and compaction for construction. Zoned “DU” which stands for “Diverse Use and allows for ALL uses under the Residential and General Commercial Zones These lots range from ±6,000 - ±7,200 Sq. Ft.. and are designed to accommodate a diverse range of Single Family Residential (SFR) floor plans. A negative declaration on the EIR was adopted in 2013 and the project is currently compliant with native plant (none noted in the area on the Bio report) and protected species (burrowing owl, desert tortoise, Mohave ground squirrel). This is one of, if not THE ONLY property of this caliber that is near shovel ready with VERY LITTLE “offsite” upgrades required.