9 to 46 Unit 1031 Exchange Completed
Dan Blackwell and Mike O’Neill sit down to discuss how they helped their clients go from 9 units to 46 units through a 1031 exchange. After realizing that their return on equity was around 2% these investors realized it was time for a change. Contact our team to discuss if exchanging can work for you! Dan Blackwell & Team has specialized in Multifamily Investment Sales since 2008 and currently leads the Orange County Multifamily Investment Sales division for CBRE. Dan’s focus is to help investors make the most prudent business decisions with their investments. Find more great content on: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/multifamily... LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mult... Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/multifamilys... Agents: Dan Blackwell Lic. CA 01854961 Email: dan.blackwell@cbre.com Phone: (949) 307-8319 For more details visit: http://multifamilysocal.com/listings